As a followup to my previous post on turning Ubuntu Gutsy into a GIS workstation, Here are the revised instructions for Ubuntu 8.04 (The Hardy Heron).

Note that there are a few additonal apps and changes in here:

  • Postgis

  • Mapnik

  • New version of QGIS installed via repository

  • OpenStreetMap tools (JOSM and osm2pgsql)

  • Geotiff utilities

  • Some nice python spatial libs (shapely, owslib, geopy and pyproj)

Run the following as root on your new Hardy installation, answer a few configuration questions and you’ll be ready to go.

echo 'deb hardy main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get update

apt-get -y --force-yes install grass mapserver-bin \
gdal-bin cgi-mapserver python-qt4 python-sip4 python-gdal \
python-mapscript gmt gmt-coastline-data r-recommended gpsbabel \
shapelib qgis qgis-plugin-grass python-setuptools \
python-mapnik mapnik-plugins mapnik-utils osm2pgsql josm postgresql-8.3-postgis \
python-dev build-essential libgdal-dev geotiff-bin sun-java6-jre

easy_install shapely geopy owslib pyproj

EDIT: If you’re looking for more up to date packages for geos, gdal, etc, try adding ` deb hardy multiverse ` to your /etc/apt/sources.list

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14 May 2008